In addition to covering all of the materials in the one-day program, this program offers more advanced skills training in developing a budget using a budgeting tool and all areas of project planning like resource and project risk management and communications planning.
Agenda for a typical two day course:

Day One
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m.​​ Session 1: Understanding Legal Project Management
Program Objectives/Expectations
Introduction to Workshop
Business Case for Project Management/Leading Law Firm and Law Department Examples
Introduction to Legal Project Management (LPM) Terminology
Understanding LPM and Process Improvement and Their Interrelationships
Framework for Legal Project Management
Small Group Exercise – Applying Project Management
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Session 2: The Engaging Phase of LPM
Understanding the Steps in the Engaging Phase
Defining and Understanding Stakeholders
Analyzing Stakeholders and the Impact on Your Project
Developing Effective Engagement and Scope of Work Agreements/Defining Inand Out of Scope
Setting and Managing Internal and External Client Expectations
Capitalizing Upon Your Firm’s Resources to Get Started
12:15 p.m. Working Lunch
​​1:15 p.m.​​​ Session 2 cont’d
2:15 p.m. Session 3: Planning Phase of LPM
Understanding the Steps in the Planning Phase of LPM
Details of a Project Plan
Building a Work Breakdown Structure and Project Schedule
5:00 p.m. Conclusion of Day 1
Day Two
8:00 a.m. Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Session 3: The Planning Phase of LPM (cont’d)
Developing the Project / Matter Budget – Using Your Work Breakdown Structure to Provide Budget Detail
Using Budgeting Tools
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Session 3: The Planning Phase of LPM (cont’d)
Building a Budget for the Case
Risk Management Planning
Communications Planning
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Session 4: The Executing Phase
Communicating with the Client Throughout the Engagement
Resource Management – In and Outside the Firm
Monitoring the Plan and Budget
Using Budget to Actual Tools
Dealing with Schedule and Scope Changes
Negotiating Changes with “Clients”
2:45 p.m. Break
3:00 p.m. Session 5: The Evaluating and Closing Phase / Concluding Projects and Next Steps
Conducting Lessons Learned “Debriefs” at Matter Conclusion
Key Takeaways and Action Planning End of Program
5:00 p.m. End of Program